Beginner Flow
Wake your body up slowly with a gentle class that focuses on creating rhythm in the body and breath. Using twists and poses designed to lengthen the body, you will release sleepiness and find your center, giving yourself the gift of a mindful awakening.
Yoga for Digestive Health
Increase your capacity to both digest and absorb with this down-tempo practice that includes walking, twisting, and breathing exercises that will improve your internal health.
Props: Blanket. -
Yoga for High Blood Pressure
This yoga practice will offer you exercises to calm your mind and reduce the stress that may contribute to hypertension. Through restorative asanas, you will lower your blood pressure naturally and bring your nervous system into greater balance.
Yoga for Osteoporosis
In this therapeutic, slow-moving yoga class tailored for students with osteoporosis or low bone density, we will practice distributing our weight to different areas of our bones with subtle weight-bearing postures that build bone mass..
Yoga for Mental Clarity
In this class you will fully engage your senses to discover a state of internal stillness. By doing gentle pranayama and finding drishti (yogic gaze), you will enter into a state of openness and intellectual calm, from which mental clarity can emerge.
Start Your Day Calm & Centered
In this practice with acclaimed yoga teacher Rodney Yee, we will learn to anchor ourselves at the start of the day through grounding postures and work with balance postures to find steadiness even in uncertain circumstances.
Work to Home Transition
Taught by master yoga teacher Rodney Yee, this class features chest and hip-openers that help you to cultivate calm and awakeness for your personal, post-work life.
A.M. Restorative
Chart the path of the morning sun as you move from foundations of sleep & restoration, to an active & stable body energy for the day ahead. Rodney begins class as you wake up, incorporating the small distance between rest & awake with gentle flow.
Fall Asleep Easily
Ease your mind and prepare for sleep with this relaxing, prop-supported practice guided with Rodney Yee. Have two blocks, a bolster, a blanket, and a chair nearby for this practice.
Yogasmic Journey
This fusion practice from Hemalayaa Behl is a beginner's class designed to put you in touch with your inner goddess.
Full Body Restorative Sequence
Improve your posture and range of motion in your entire body with this 45 minute restorative routine.
Gentle Posture Sequence
A quick 20 minute session to improve your body's alignment.
Total Body Rejuvenate
Improve your flexibility and balance with this 45 minute total body rejuvenation routine. No equipment necessary.
Total Posture Restoration
Take 20 minutes out of your day to correct your posture with this helpful routine.
Summer Yin Restorative Practice
This restorative yin practice from Melina Meza is a beginner's class designed for regulation and sustenance.
Yoga Therapy for the Back
This therapeutic practice from Jeanie Manchester is an all-levels class designed to release discomfort and tightness at the bottom of your vertebral stack.
Wakey Wakey
This hatha vinyasa practice from Gina Caputo is an all-levels class designed to promote invigoration, focus and clarity.
Backbends Flow
This vinyasa practice from Kia Miller is a moderate class designed to bring openness to the top of your vertebral column.
Restorative Yoga Practice
This restorative practice from Matt Kapinus is an all-levels class designed to bring you closer to yourself and your peace.
Balancing Flow
This Kundalini practice from Kia Miller is an all-levels class designed to gently awaken and level your focus.
Morning Vinyasa
This vinyasa practice from Tommy Rosen is a beginner's class designed to bring the power of the morning into your back body.
Everyday Gratitude Flow
This vinyasa practice from Jeanie Manchester is an all-levels class designed to help you choose a happier path.
Releasing Negative Energy
This short sequence allows you to take some time to clear your energy, clear the blockages and release the tension of the day while bringing awareness to the breath to help us deepen the connection to our body and release stress.
Happiness Flow
This vinyasa practice from Amy Ippoliti is a moderate class designed to uplift your spirit and increase the space in your upper body.