Yoga Every Day

Yoga Every Day

22 Seasons

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. There are 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

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Yoga Every Day
  • Yoga Every Day: Expand Your Heart

    Episode 1

    Enjoy a fluid practice that will open your chest and upper back, while expanding the energy of your heart.

  • Yoga Every Day: Expand Your Breath

    Episode 2

    The breath can transport you to a place of expanded consciousness. Explore mulitple pranayama (breath work) techniques, dynamic kriyas (actions), and asana (movement) to quickly reorient your perspective toward recognizing the peace abundant in the world.

  • Yoga Every Day: Expand Your Hamstrings

    Episode 3

    Explore the notion of tantra using our hamstrings as vehicles to expand our consciousness.

  • Yoga Every Day: Expand Your Side Body

    Episode 4

    Stretch your awareness into parts of your body that you may not often pay attention to: side bodies. Explore nourishing side stretches in a variety of seated and standing asanas.

  • Yoga Every Day: Energize and Expand

    Episode 5

    This purifying and energizing practice is aimed at activating your vital energy. Focus on moving energy up from the base while exploring bandhas (energy locks), kriyas (purification exercises), twists, and backbends.

  • Yoga Every Day: Be in Your Side Body

    Episode 6

    Use breath work and movement to bring attention to your side bodies. Incorporate side bends, balancing poses, and long twists to move the experience of being from the head to the heart.

  • Yoga Every Day: Be in Your Heart

    Episode 7

    Prepare to release your shoulders and open your heart through backbends to let the light of true being (sat) shine in.

  • Yoga Every Day: Be in Your Stance

    Episode 8

    Uncover the strong structural foundation of your body that can help you stay anchored in the face of change, using the manta "sat" which means unmalleable or unshakeable. Dive into a variety of strong standing postures to connect to anchoring.

  • Yoga Every Day: Be in Your Hips

    Episode 9

    In this floor-based practice, bring awareness to your hips, an area that stores so much of our emotional and energetic being.

  • Yoga Every Day: Being in Alignment

    Episode 10

    Build awareness to the connection of hips to thighs with subtle and repeating alignment cues. Open your hamstrings, low back, and hips while building some heat.

  • Yoga Every Day: Conscious Intent

    Episode 11

    Explore one of the seven aspects of the divine as we come into embodied understanding of conscious awareness (cit). Through purposeful movement and intention-setting, weave the threads of your higher self into the fabric of your life, remembering that we too are just refractions of the divine.

  • Yoga Every Day: Conscious Mind

    Episode 12

    This well-rounded practice works on the physical body through asana (movement) and the pranic (energy) body through pranayama (mindful breath) to prepare us to to embody cit (consciousness). Prepare for halasana (plow pose), shoulder stand, and reverse plank through spinal warm-up and nadi shadha...

  • Yoga Every Day: Conscious Body

    Episode 13

    Understand how cit (consciousness) embeds in your physical body in this short practice. Bring specific awareness to your hips and shoulders through variations of pigeon (eka pada rajakapotasana) and eagle arms (garudasana).

  • Yoga Every Day: Conscious Heart

    Episode 14

    Learn how cit (consciousness) embeds in your heart in this practice. Bring your attention outward with backbends, like floor bow (dhanurasana) and spinal twists, while closing out with a deep conscious heart meditation.

  • Yoga Every Day: Conscious and Clear

    Episode 15

    Develop conscious awareness (cit) within your body in this full body practice. A vibrant mixture of standing poses, twists, and pranayama (breath work), this practice encourages you to awaken fields of awareness and intelligence within both your physical and mental bodies.

  • Yoga Every Day: Hips of Bliss

    Episode 16

    Yoga philosophy teaches us that bliss is our essential state of being. Explore ananda, the Sanskrit word that translates to bliss or expansive joy, and journey into the bliss of deep, gentle hip openers.

  • Yoga Every Day: Balanced in Bliss

    Episode 17

    Deepen the exploration of ananda (bliss) with an emphasis on balance. Explore a well-rounded flow of pranayama (breathwork), kriya (action), and asana (physical movement) including balancing poses to invite a state of peace and joy.

  • Yoga Every Day: Heart of Bliss

    Episode 18

    The open heart is a powerful pathway into remembering our essential nature of joy and bliss and offering love is a direct route to experiencing more joy in our own lives. Practice creative heart-opening poses culminating in wild thing to deepen the experience of ananda (bliss).

  • Yoga Every Day: Standing in Bliss

    Episode 19

    Explore a series of standing poses that will support you in moving through any resistance you have in embracing ananda, the bliss that is your essential nature.

  • Yoga Every Day: Centered in Bliss

    Episode 20

    Generate space and rediscover the bliss stored in the abdomen using breath, bandha, twists, backbends, forward bends, and meditation. The teachings of hatha yoga suggests that your center governs your state of mind. Science also suggests that the health and wellbeing of your gut directly affects ...