Build awareness to the connection of hips to thighs with subtle and repeating alignment cues. Open your hamstrings, low back, and hips while building some heat.
Up Next in Yoga Every Day: Season 21
Yoga Every Day: Conscious Intent
Explore one of the seven aspects of the divine as we come into embodied understanding of conscious awareness (cit). Through purposeful movement and intention-setting, weave the threads of your higher self into the fabric of your life, remembering that we too are just refractions of the divine.
Yoga Every Day: Conscious Mind
This well-rounded practice works on the physical body through asana (movement) and the pranic (energy) body through pranayama (mindful breath) to prepare us to to embody cit (consciousness). Prepare for halasana (plow pose), shoulder stand, and reverse plank through spinal warm-up and nadi shadha...
Yoga Every Day: Conscious Body
Understand how cit (consciousness) embeds in your physical body in this short practice. Bring specific awareness to your hips and shoulders through variations of pigeon (eka pada rajakapotasana) and eagle arms (garudasana).