7-Week Weight Loss Challenge
50 Seasons
Navigate yourself to the right skill level calendar, then follow along each day with your prescribed workout. Each day's workout for each level is located in the drop-down menu on the series page here! WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE 2020: This one is designed to help all abilities and all body shapes focus on weight loss through healthy activity and healthy lifestyle tips. Crafted with precise diligence, this collection is part of the "Best of Gaiam TV" series, and there will always be three distinct fitness levels to consider in each workout or practice. This design has two-workouts per-day as the default, a morning and afternoon session tailored to your level. The goal is to workout for at least 25 days per month, 22 at least. See if you can get two-a-day in, but always consult your physician to see if these exercises are correct for your body. Download one of the PDF calendars and choose your own adventure, marking off each workout that you complete on the calendar!
Healthy Tip #101: Having a fitness parter committed to the same journey and program format as you can increase your success rates, happiness, confidence, and overall well-being. Is there a friend or partner that might take the challenge with you? Simply texting back and forth that you've completed your workouts or practices for each day can amplify the accountability you seek to complete this challenge and see the results you are energized towards by even being on this digital page in the first place. Self-motivation and social-motivation can team up on this experience, use your talents, make your goals!
17:42Episode 1
Guided Deep Relaxation
Episode 1
A laying down, guided relaxation practice that will clear your mind and allow your body to rest deeply. It is said this practice of yoga nidra is equivalent to 2 hours of deep sleep!
12:53Episode 2
Meditation for Loneliness
Episode 2
A meditation practice that immediately takes you back to the remembrance that you are not alone and that you are always supported and connected to those you love.
11:26Episode 3
Meditation for Stressful Days
Episode 3
Learn to find an inner state of calm that can transform your stress into power.
10:50Episode 4
Meditation Bonus
Episode 4
Yoga master Rodney Yee guides you in a short, but effective meditation to inspire and energize you - anytime, anywhere.
11:27Episode 5
Meditation for Emotional Balance
Episode 5
A short, yet extremely effective practice to help you find a sense of steadiness in the midst of fluctuating emotions.
25:55Episode 6
P.M. Meditation
Episode 6
Practice sitting in the present moment to unwind from your busy day.
25:54Episode 7
A.M. Meditation
Episode 7
A supported, seated meditation ideal for first thing in the morning.
21:02Episode 8
Anxiety Release Meditation
Episode 8
Use this 20-minute guided meditation for stress and anxiety to remind yourself that there is beauty to be found in moments of silence. Rather than thinking of meditation as a way to remove yourself from life, use it as a chance to immerse yourself in it.
16:08Episode 9
Standing Moving Meditation
Episode 9
Enjoy a 15-minute moving meditation to help cultivate awareness so that you can be centered in the world. By getting familiar with each part of your body through gentle movement and articulation, you become aware of your entire body breathing and moving.
15:15Episode 10
Seated Moving Meditation
Episode 10
Spend time examining the internal actions of the body that support you while seated. By moving the legs, arms, and spine while seated, you reveal the undulating patterns of movement that remain intact even when you are in the deep stillness of meditation.
15:23Episode 11
Motivation for Meditation
Episode 11
What makes it a "meditation"? Do you have to be seated or walking? Rodney offers a meditation experience that clarifies the why & how of bringing eternal stillness to a moment of your time, through a practice that slows down reality for a pure glimpse.
15:53Episode 12
Find Your Seat
Episode 12
The first step to establishing a regular meditation practice is finding a comfortable sitting posture. Acclaimed teacher Rodney Yee shows you how to use props to support your body and alleviate discomfort as you find your meditation sit.
15:27Episode 13
Find Your Breath
Episode 13
Feel your breath become the focus of your meditation practice with internationally acclaimed yoga teacher Rodney Yee. Instead of controlling your breath, learn how to receive and release it so it becomes an anchor for your mind to steady itself on.
1:12:04Episode 14
Qigong for Beginners
Episode 14
The fundamentals of Qigong, an ancient Chinese health care system can be described as meditation with movement; a conscious form of exercise. It is not just physical exercise, but a transformative and holistic health care system.
17:05Episode 15
Guide to Yoga Twists
Episode 15
Learn the basics for safe and effective twists. Twists are great for restoring mobility to the spine, bringing healthy blood flow to the organs and creating balance in the whole body. Props: Towel/blanket.
15:59Episode 16
Guide to Warrior Poses
Episode 16
This class breaks down the basics and essentials for Warrior 1, 2 and 3 poses as well as alternative variations of each. Learn exercises to help open parts of the body that may be limiting your ability in these poses. Props: Towel/blanket, 1-2 blocks
14:32Episode 17
Guide to Balancing Poses
Episode 17
This class will teach you the foundational techniques you need to know to establish, build and advance your balancing poses. Learn proper foot alignment, how to engage the legs and hips in and find strength and freedom in your back. Props: chair, block
29:44Episode 18
Pose Guide
Episode 18
In this Body Positive Pose Guide, Rodney takes a student through a variety of standing and seated postures, as well as inversions and balancing poses, focusing on alignment and how to find more space and ease in the body so that yoga feels good.
16:20Episode 19
Meditation at Work
Episode 19
In this workplace-appropriate meditation guided by master teacher Rodney Yee, you will do a full-body scan, tuning into the sensations arising in different parts the body, and learn to accept your present experience just as it is.
23:01Episode 20
Beginners Practice
Episode 20
In this 20-minute class, you will be guided through essential yoga poses to create space and mobility. Focusing on alignment, you will learn how to observe how you feel inside your body. Practice regularly to remember that your body truly is a gift.
14:59Episode 21
Day 5: Calm Down
Episode 21
Relax and release tension and stress. Yoga master Rodney Yee guides you in a gentle practice designed to ease the body into a state of deep rest while quieting the mind.
17:42Episode 22
Gentle Flow Practice #1
Episode 22
Find space in your body in this 15-minute gentle flow yoga class guided by Rodney Yee. By staying close to your mat the entire class and following your breath with each movement, you will open your body while retaining a sense of grounding and support.
17:18Episode 23
Fall Asleep Easily
Episode 23
Ease your mind and prepare for sleep with this relaxing, prop-supported practice guided with Rodney Yee. Have two blocks, a bolster, a blanket, and a chair nearby for this practice.