The fundamentals of Qigong, an ancient Chinese health care system can be described as meditation with movement; a conscious form of exercise. It is not just physical exercise, but a transformative and holistic health care system.
Up Next in Week 07 - Day 49 (Reflect & Rejoice)
Guide to Yoga Twists
Learn the basics for safe and effective twists. Twists are great for restoring mobility to the spine, bringing healthy blood flow to the organs and creating balance in the whole body. Props: Towel/blanket.
Guide to Warrior Poses
This class breaks down the basics and essentials for Warrior 1, 2 and 3 poses as well as alternative variations of each. Learn exercises to help open parts of the body that may be limiting your ability in these poses. Props: Towel/blanket, 1-2 blocks
Guide to Balancing Poses
This class will teach you the foundational techniques you need to know to establish, build and advance your balancing poses. Learn proper foot alignment, how to engage the legs and hips in and find strength and freedom in your back. Props: chair, block