Yoga Every Day
22 Seasons
Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. There are 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.
17:31Episode 1
Yoga Every Day: Beauty in Twists
Episode 1
While it’s easy to forget, the essential nature of the universe is beauty and whatever life throws our way, that beauty is always here to help us. Remember the divine beauty (shri) that resides at our core and come into the mindset that life is constantly improving. Use twists to wring out whatev...
31:18Episode 2
Yoga Every Day: Beauty in Balancing
Episode 2
There’s beauty (shri) in everything - the serious and the silly! In this lighthearted class, practice a funky variation of sugarcane pose (ardha chandra chapasana) and stay playful even when you find yourself wiggling in a sequence of balancing poses.
16:36Episode 3
Yoga Every Day: Beauty in Back Bends
Episode 3
In this backbending practice, invoke Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance and beauty to help summon shri (beauty) within and around us.
16:35Episode 4
Yoga Every Day: Beauty in Core Strength
Episode 4
Embrace the beauty of who you are by radiating out from the physical core, and the energetic third chakra.
Yoga Every Day: Natural Beauty: Know Thyself
Episode 5
Illuminate the qualities of the earth and fire elements through standing poses and focused core strengthening to cultivate a strong sense of self and bring forth your beautiful and unique offerings.
17:26Episode 6
Yoga Every Day: Freedom in Your Trunk
Episode 6
Explore freedom in the lower half of your body by creating space and movement into the legs, hips, and feet. This gentle practice is full of standing and seated postures.
31:21Episode 7
Yoga Every Day: Freedom in Your Hips
Episode 7
Freedom is about flowing towards what feels good and releasing what doesn't. This practice moves through a variety of deep hip openers, both standing and seated.
16:54Episode 8
Yoga Every Day: Spinal Freedom
Episode 8
Explore movement in your spine with some side body stretches, twists, and a few backbends.
Yoga Every Day: Free As A Bird: Arm Balances
Episode 10
Arm balances can instill a sense of freedom from self-limiting thoughts and invoke courage on and off the mat. In this energizing practice, explore fundamentals to strengthen and prepare for crow and side-crow.
16:03Episode 11
Yoga Every Day: Full of Ease in Hip Openers
Episode 11
Explore deep hip-openers while integrating purna, a Sanskrit word that means wholeness and refers to the perfection of things just as they are. Feel your hips and hamstrings release with accepting awareness.
Yoga Every Day: Shoulder and Neck Freedom
Episode 9
A gentle practice to release tension stored in your neck and shoulders. Open up to face the day with more freedom and ease!
Yoga Every Day: Full of Power in Warrior Poses
Episode 12
Warrior poses teach us how to access the power within. Invite these poses to fuel an embodied sense of power-FULLness and orient towards your natural state of wholeness.
16:53Episode 13
Yoga Every Day: Full of Heart in Backbends
Episode 13
When we expand into the fullness of our hearts, life flows with grace and ease. Explore grounded backbends sourced from the very center of our being, allowing our hearts to naturally flower open.
16:09Episode 14
Yoga Every Day: Full of Balance
Episode 14
Consciously choose fullness as we explore our balance in standing poses such as tree pose and birds of paradise.
31:34Episode 15
Yoga Every Day: Celebrate Your Wholeness
Episode 15
This full-spectrum practice is a journey through effort and ease, activity and receptivity, focus and release. This practice supports your agility in flowing between these polar opposites with grace.
17:31Episode 16
Yoga Every Day: Rhythmic Standing Warriors
Episode 16
In Sanskrit, spanda means the sacred pulse of consciousness. By connecting with the expansive vibration of the universe in this pracive, summon forth our own creative impulse and unify with the heartbeat of the Earth. Explore dancing warrior postures to find rhythmic balance between strong and soft.
31:43Episode 17
Yoga Every Day: Rhythmic Heart Openers
Episode 17
Your heart holds your rhythm and pumps fluid through your body. Connect to your heart with some fluid and water-themed heart openers.
15:47Episode 18
Yoga Every Day: Rhythmic Balancing Poses
Episode 18
Discover the rhythm in the expansion and contraction of the wings of the eagle god Garuda, embracing the full possibility of who you are. Through balancing postures, we will find the rhythm, or spanda, in the stability.
16:08Episode 19
Yoga Every Day: Rhythmic Hamstrings
Episode 19
Bring ease to our hamstrings and through intention realign ourselves with the flow of Grace.
31:41Episode 20
Yoga Every Day: Fluid Power: Rhythm & Flow
Episode 20
This water-inspired class emphasizes fluidity on the mat and in our lives, with a well-blended, fast-paced, breath to movement sequence.