Yoga Every Day

Yoga Every Day

22 Seasons

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. There are 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

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Yoga Every Day
  • Yoga Every Day: Heart Openers for Self-Love

    Episode 1

    Choose to practice self-love today and open your heart to yourself through movement and loving intention. This practice is centered around backbends and heart-opening postures.

  • Yoga Every Day: Calm & Flowering Warriors

    Episode 2

    A slow flow to practice harnessing the grounded strength of warrior poses in order to blossom into the day.

  • Yoga Every Day: Happy Hips & Hamstrings

    Episode 3

    Often our emotions get locked up in the hips and hamstrings. Create more space in these areas to tap into a more blissful and open state of being.

  • Yoga Every Day: Neck & Shoulder Release

    Episode 4

    Many of us hold tension in our necks and shoulders. Enjoy some simple poses on the floor to free that tension.

  • Yoga Every Day: Feet on the Earth

    Episode 5

    Focus on the relationship between your feet and the earth. Move through poses with a steady awareness of the downward flow of energy that awakens and nourishes your roots.

  • Yoga Every Day: Slow & Soulful Flow

    Episode 6

    Amidst a busy and full life, consciously slowing down is potent medicine. This practice focuses on deep and steady breath and meditative movement to go beyond the mind and access the soulful state of yoga where a deeper peace resides.

  • Yoga Every Day: Salute the Side Body

    Episode 7

    In our day-to-day, we often neglect stretching and moving our side bodies. Not only do side-bending poses open up space for breath to get to muscles it doesn’t normally access, but these poses also feel so good!

  • Yoga Every Day: Water, Heal My Body

    Episode 8

    Experience the healing power of the water element. Go deep into the hips with soft, circular movements and find the openness of our heart so we can feel ourselves more fully and release any stuck and rigid energy from our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

  • Yoga Every Day: Eagle Pose for Hips and Shoulders

    Episode 9

    Garuda (half-man half-bird deity) was asked by the other deities to diminish his size when he was first born because he was so big and appeared intimidating. This practice centers on eagle pose (garudasana) as a key to unlocking tension in the hips and shoulders, creating space for your physical ...

  • Yoga Every Day: Give Props to Hamstrings

    Episode 10

    Prop yourself up to allow for more openness in your hamstrings. Give yourself the support you need to open up space in your body and invite new beginnings.

  • Yoga Every Day: Heart-Opening Wild Thing

    Episode 11

    Through embodying a heart opening posture like wild thing (camatkarasana), we can learn to extend loving kindness to ourselves and to others.

  • Yoga Every Day: A Strong Core

    Episode 12

    Develop the strength of your center with this core-centric class. Explore a variety of core postures to strengthen in both the physical and emotional body.

  • Yoga Every Day: Ignite Your Inner Light

    Episode 13

    Yogis say that the human heart has the light of 108 suns. In this practice, tap into your inner light through core strengthening practices, breathwork, and heart openers.

  • Yoga Every Day: Eye Yoga for the Digital Age

    Episode 14

    With all the time we spend looking at screens, eye stress is a real phenomena. Focus on releasing tension from the eyes and face through simple but effective yogic movements.

  • Yoga Every Day: Humble Warrior Flow

    Episode 15

    Cultivate your inner warrior and find the balance between strength and softness, power and grace in this dynamic flow practice.

  • Yoga Every Day: Peace of Mind & Body

    Episode 16

    Enjoy a breath practice, then move into some restorative, hip-opening poses to cultivate inner peace, soothe the nervous system, and calm the mind.