

“Yoga and meditation, two ancient practices, are now officially the most popular alternative health approaches in the United States, each used by around 35 million adults.”
CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, 2017

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  • Guided Deep Relaxation

    A laying down, guided relaxation practice that will clear your mind and allow your body to rest deeply. It is said this practice of yoga nidra is equivalent to 2 hours of deep sleep!

  • Meditation for Emotional Balance

    A short, yet extremely effective practice to help you find a sense of steadiness in the midst of fluctuating emotions.

  • Meditation for Stressful Days

    Learn to find an inner state of calm that can transform your stress into power.

  • Meditation for Loneliness

    A meditation practice that immediately takes you back to the remembrance that you are not alone and that you are always supported and connected to those you love.

  • Let Go of Your Device

    To learn how to let go of your device, and your reaction to it, is an advanced practice. Join Rodney for a 15-minute class that will help bring you back into the art of being, remembering how to receive and respond in order to release your nervous system.

  • Anxiety Release Practice

    In this 20-minute practice, you'll learn strategies for releasing anxiety and stress so that your body and mind can find rest. Targeting tension in the face, neck, shoulders and backs of legs, you will learn how to let go and find an unraveling in the now.

  • Anxiety Release Meditation

    Use this 20-minute guided meditation for stress and anxiety to remind yourself that there is beauty to be found in moments of silence. Rather than thinking of meditation as a way to remove yourself from life, use it as a chance to immerse yourself in it.

  • Energizing Breathwork

    This short 6 minute breathwork sequence is designed to get you breathing deeply which will help you ditch stress and flush fat.

  • Yin, the Path to Meditation

    This yin practice from Doug Swenson is a moderate class designed to level out your body to bring peace to your mind.

  • P.M. Meditation

    Practice sitting in the present moment to unwind from your busy day.

  • Breathing at Work

    In this practice with Rodney Yee, we will learn fundamental yogic breathing exercises, including Kapalabhati breath, and will sync our breath with simple chair-based movements that you can do from the comfort of your workplace.

  • Meditation at Work

    In this workplace-appropriate meditation guided by master teacher Rodney Yee, you will do a full-body scan, tuning into the sensations arising in different parts the body, and learn to accept your present experience just as it is.

  • For Pain

    Follow this 10-minute meditation for pain relief to bring awareness to your body and the location of your pain. By paying attention to the sensations and allowing yourself to be curious, you can begin to decrease your pain and start to enjoy a full life.

  • For Peace

    What if conflict is an illusion that stems from something that is whole being divided into two parts? Use this powerful 10-minute meditation to learn to receive the world as it is, learning to better understand who you are and where your boundaries lie.

  • For Sleep

    Use this 10-minute guided meditation to help ease your body into a state of rest and sleep. As you feel the weight of your body drop into the earth, you begin to erase the residue of agitation and the tension that prevents us from getting the rest we need.

  • Find Your Seat

    The first step to establishing a regular meditation practice is finding a comfortable sitting posture. Acclaimed teacher Rodney Yee shows you how to use props to support your body and alleviate discomfort as you find your meditation sit.

  • Find Your Breath

    Feel your breath become the focus of your meditation practice with internationally acclaimed yoga teacher Rodney Yee. Instead of controlling your breath, learn how to receive and release it so it becomes an anchor for your mind to steady itself on.

  • Quiet Your Mind

    Drop into the present moment and feel more centered and relaxed. Rodney Yee shows you how to cultivate awareness in your meditation practice by following your breath, observing sensations in your body, and noticing the fluctuations of your mind.

  • Seated Moving Meditation

    Spend time examining the internal actions of the body that support you while seated. By moving the legs, arms, and spine while seated, you reveal the undulating patterns of movement that remain intact even when you are in the deep stillness of meditation.

  • Standing Moving Meditation

    Enjoy a 15-minute moving meditation to help cultivate awareness so that you can be centered in the world. By getting familiar with each part of your body through gentle movement and articulation, you become aware of your entire body breathing and moving.

  • A.M.

    A gentle yoga warm-up helps transition your body from sleep to seated meditation, followed by breath work to stimulate the body and mind and ending with a guided meditation.

  • P.M.

    Step back and take a quiet pause at the end of your day. Sharpen your awareness, broaden your perspective and find sanctuaries of stillness to the inner layers of your body, mind and breath.

  • Chair

    Learn chair exercises to stretch the back and hips.