Anxiety Release Practice
In this 20-minute practice, you'll learn strategies for releasing anxiety and stress so that your body and mind can find rest. Targeting tension in the face, neck, shoulders and backs of legs, you will learn how to let go and find an unraveling in the now.
Up Next in Meditation
Anxiety Release Meditation
Use this 20-minute guided meditation for stress and anxiety to remind yourself that there is beauty to be found in moments of silence. Rather than thinking of meditation as a way to remove yourself from life, use it as a chance to immerse yourself in it.
Energizing Breathwork
This short 6 minute breathwork sequence is designed to get you breathing deeply which will help you ditch stress and flush fat.
Yin, the Path to Meditation
This yin practice from Doug Swenson is a moderate class designed to level out your body to bring peace to your mind.