Getting Started (Yoga for Newbs)
Gotta start somewhere! These are safe & fun practices from our BEST beginner teachers. You will learn why this 5,000-year old body posture practice has continued to thrive across the globe as a unique health routine that delivers a multitude of benefits. Find your way through what moves and sequences your body responds to, and sink in to the stretch!
Strengthen and Tone for Newbies
This vinyasa practice from Gina Caputo is a beginner's class designed to introduce you to yoga's power to make you stronger through your most interior framework.
Strengthen, Tone, and Learn To Catch Some Air
This vinyasa practice from David Magone is an intermediate class designed to bring a few enjoyable inversions into your practice.
Teddy Bear Yoga
This hatha practice from Amanda Giacomini is a beginner's class designed to teach you to treat yourself to a little tenderness.
Tight Neck and Shoulders
This practice from Tara Lee is guaranteed to soothe achy shoulders and tight neck muscles. With most of the work on the ground, this sequence is perfect for any time of day. Enjoy!
Yoga for Anxiety and Sleeplessness
This yoga practice from Gina Caputo is a moderate to intermediate class designed to alleviate tension and restore calmness to the thoughts.
Yoga For Computer Users
This yoga at work practice from Samantha Brown is an all-levels class designed to open your hunched desk-chair body.
Yoga for Happiness
This hatha practice from Samantha S. Brown is an all-levels class designed to promote joy.
A.M. Energize
Experience a soothing, smooth transition into your day.
A.M. Energize 2
Focus on your breath with no verbal instruction to distract you.
P.M. Unwind
Prepare for a soothing night's sleep.
P.M. Unwind 2
Focus on your breath with no verbal instruction to distract you.
A.M. Meditation
A supported, seated meditation ideal for first thing in the morning.
Total Body Tune Up
This vinyasa practice from David Magone is a beginner's class designed to offer up a full spectrum of benefits, promoting wellness, vitality and bliss.
Full Body Strengthening & Toning
This hatha practice from David Magone is an intermediate class designed as part of a cycle of sequences to promote whole health.
The Happy Heart Flow
This vinyasa practice from David Magone is an all-levels class designed to free your focus as you build power and nourish wise movement throughout your body.
3 Week Toning Challenge
This vinyasa practice from David Magone is an intermediate class designed to pump you up, so you may let it all go and ground down to a healthier you.
Happy Heart Flow
Learn to lead with your heart with an energizing, relaxing series of heart openers designed to free you from emotions. The primary power center and melting pot of divine energy, your heart chakra is located in the chest, which is the focus of this practice. Recommended Props: Block Instructor: Ni...