Focus on arm balances such as wild thing (camatkarasana) and side plank (vasisthasana) to connect with the center of yourself that feels unshakable. Your practice of ahimsa (non-harming) thrives when you live with confidence, strength, and sturdiness. As you give yourself permission to be the truest version of yourself, you cultivate the virtue of ahimsa towards yourself and others.
Up Next in Yoga Every Day: Season 20
Yoga Every Day: Harmless Heart-Openers
Practice kindness toward yourself with spinal mobility and an open heart.
Yoga Every Day: Do No Harm
This down-tempo, hip-centric practice is a sanctuary for the overwhelmed and overworked soul. Sometimes ahimsa (non-harming) is easier to practice with others than it is with ourselves. It’s not uncommon for your mind to keep pushing when your body and spirit are begging for a break.
Yoga Every Day: Be True to Your Hips ...
Use your practice as a tool to tap into satya, a yogic concept ruling truthfulness. Explore false judgements by deliberately releasing tension and emotions stuck in your hips and shoulders.