Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity and remover of obstacles, also places challenges before us to stimulate the growth that comes with overcoming adversity. Through mantra, mudra (hand gestures), flowing side-body stretches, and heart-openers such as wild thing, this practice will both present challenges and clear the way for more joy, peace, and clarity.
Up Next in Yoga Every Day: Season 16
Yoga Every Day: Give Thanks!
Today and everyday is a good time to give thanks! Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations we can experience. Neuroscience tells us that even the experience of seeking something to be grateful for - whether you find it or not - brings us to a more appreciative space. Enjoy light-hearted practic...
Yoga Every Day: Heart of Gratitude - ...
Gratitude resonates at a similar frequency to love, and both emanate from the heart center. Tap into the gratitude that lives in your heart space, the anahata chakra, in this nourishing practice full of heart-openers and backbends.
Yoga Every Day: Open Your Heart with ...
Practicing gratitude has the ability to shift our perspective and experience. Cultivate gratitude for yourself and the world around you through forward folds and heart-openers such as camel pose (ustrasana).