Gratitude resonates at a similar frequency to love, and both emanate from the heart center. Tap into the gratitude that lives in your heart space, the anahata chakra, in this nourishing practice full of heart-openers and backbends.
Up Next in Yoga Every Day: Season 16
Yoga Every Day: Open Your Heart with ...
Practicing gratitude has the ability to shift our perspective and experience. Cultivate gratitude for yourself and the world around you through forward folds and heart-openers such as camel pose (ustrasana).
Yoga Every Day: Seated and Supported
After a busy day, sometimes you just need to stay on the ground. Through seated twists and folds, we’ll unwind with the earth’s support beneath us.
Yoga Every Day: Shiva’s Dancer Pose
A practice centered around the heart-opening balance pose called baby dancer’s pose, a posture inspired by the cosmically dancing form of Lord Shiva, Nataraja. Baby dancer’s posture asks for a still point of focus and detachment from the outcome of the posture.