Travel Roller: Jet Lag
Lauren Roxburgh - The Celebrity Body Whisperer #LoRox
Lauren Roxburgh uses the mini travel foam roller to show you how to ease jet lag when you are traveling and get a good night's sleep.
Up Next in Lauren Roxburgh - The Celebrity Body Whisperer #LoRox
Lower Back Sequence
The purpose of this foam roller sequence is to reduce tension and pain in the lower back. The moves will help bring back circulation and blood flow, reduce inflammation and increase flexibility to make you feel a little lighter and to alleviate pain in the lower back.
Mat Core Sequence 30
A 30 minute mat core sequence that does not include the roller. This sequence is designed to engage the core and create space and connection.
Pelvic Core Sequence
This foam roller sequence focuses on the pelvic floor and will help you gain strength, resiliency and flexibility in the pelvic floor which will help you to access your core muscles to feel more stable, balanced and more rejuvenated.