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Watch this video and more on Gaiam TV Fit Yoga

7-Week Weight Loss Challenge

Evening Relaxation


Up Next in Week 03 - Day 21 (REST, MEDITATE, RECALIBRATE)

  • Relaxation

    Transition from your busy day to a series of slow, mindful movements allowing you to calm the mind and release stress. Take it down, one pose at a time.

  • Motivation for Healthy Eating

    How can yoga help you with your relationship to food? Mindfulness is the key, training for awareness through gratitude. Rodney helps you center in poses that connect your mind & body as practice for those moments before, during, & after a nourishing meal.

  • For Sleep

    Use this 10-minute guided meditation to help ease your body into a state of rest and sleep. As you feel the weight of your body drop into the earth, you begin to erase the residue of agitation and the tension that prevents us from getting the rest we need.