Yoga for Tight People
Rodney Yee
Your tightness is actually a good thing! In yoga, this resistance provides a way to better understand our bodies and minds. Release bindings and restrictions in common tight areas, revealing space and freedom.
Up Next in Rodney Yee
Yoga for Joint Freedom
A great sage once said that enlightenment feels like space in the joints. With over 300 joints in your body, learning how to fluid, spacious, and rhythmic in each will allow you to live life with ease, adapting and receiving moments as they come.
Yoga for Upper Body Strength
Develop more strength in your arms, chest, and upper back with a yoga class designed for overall conditioning of these target areas. Improve your posture, alignment, and learn how to integrate the upper body with breath.
Yoga for the Core
Your core is more than your abdominal muscles - it's also your lower back and the central axis of your entire body. Develop a core that is agile and centered to enjoy balance, strength, and the freedom to breathe.