Mega Immunity: Jing Mushroom Tea
Superfood Recipes
This Jing-building drink will help replenish the adrenals, boost immunity, build blood and balance hormones. The tea base is made from chaga, which is one of the most significant immunological substances known to man.
Up Next in Superfood Recipes
Mega Immunity: Very Green Drink
There are few things better for you on this planet than green foods! Greens contain chlorophyll, the component in plants that absorbs energy from the sun to facilitate photosynthesis.
Mega Immunity: Immunity Blue
This elixir is super-charged with enzymes, electrolytes, and nutrients to enhance brain function, improve immune function, and improve cellular repair.
Mega Immunity: Super Electrolyte Lemo...
This lemonade recipe from The Longevity Now Program is a powerful combination of superfoods and superherbs for the ultimate detox drink. Perfect for summer, for fasting and cleansing, or even just to reboot your digestion.