NBA All-Star Kevin Love

NBA All-Star Kevin Love

Kevin Love spends much of the year on the hardwood, but for chunks of his off-season it's a floor where sneakers are not allowed. Basketballs are replaced with foam blocks, and instead of shouting coaches, Love focuses on the soothing voice of yoga instructor Kent Katich.
"Yoga has given me a newfound balance, strength and endurance," the 6'10", 240-pound Cavaliers forward says. "And my body has leaned out because of it."

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NBA All-Star Kevin Love
  • Warm-Up

    Join Kevin Love and his yoga instructor, Kent Katich, in this progressive warm-up that establishes the breath and body connection. Kent then takes Kevin through a dynamic sequence of yoga postures that build focus and improve flexibility.

  • Power & Core

    In this segment, Kent puts the focus on functional athletic movement and traditional yoga poses with a more active sequence that builds core strength.

  • Complete Body

    In segment 3, Kent Katich combines standing poses with traditional vinyasa flow. This challenging total body workout helps build concentration and focus while developing balance and stability.

  • Deep Stretch

    This calming, restorative post-workout cool-down with Kevin Love and Kent Katich focuses on hamstrings and hips while relaxing the whole body and aiding overall muscle recovery, upper and lower body strength, and endurance.