Gina Caputo
"Yogini On The Loose" emerged in 2010 as a proclamation to live more freely and fully than I had been. It was born of the philosophy that only WE can free our minds and liberate ourselves from the mental slavery that keeps us bound to what we “should” or are “supposed to” do, say, look and live like. Take a chance, give the perceived cage door a push and you may find that it’s been open all along!
Strengthen and Tone for Newbies
This vinyasa practice from Gina Caputo is a beginner's class designed to introduce you to yoga's power to make you stronger through your most interior framework.
Wakey Wakey
This hatha vinyasa practice from Gina Caputo is an all-levels class designed to promote invigoration, focus and clarity.
Dynamic Detox
This vinyasa practice from Gina Caputo is a moderate class designed to release stuck energy and light you up.
Yoga for Anxiety and Sleeplessness
This yoga practice from Gina Caputo is a moderate to intermediate class designed to alleviate tension and restore calmness to the thoughts.